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Embracing the Unknown- Backward Bending Postures

Some of the most important and effective yoga poses are the ones that extend the spine and bring freedom to the back. They of course are known as backbends and many people can be intimidated by them. Allow Nicki to lead you through a safe and effective yoga practice that will prepare you for the backward bending poses very well. Through Sun Salutations, standing poses and lunges, your body will
be ready to do backbends like you’ve never done them before. Some poses that will be included, but not limited to, are standing back arch, salabhasana, danurasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, and urdhva dhanurasana. If needed, Nicki has an intelligent way of working with the props so they both support and propel you deeper into the pose in a safe way. This class will end with twisting postures to relieve the spine and a deep restful savasana to realign your body and mind.

June 14

Free Your Hips, Free Your Life

June 15

The Citti Vrittis - Exploring Ancient Yoga Thoughts on the Root Causes of an Afflicted Mind